Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog & Student Handbook Archived Catalog

MATH 0630 - Learning Support for Finite Mathematics

3 sem hrs cr

This course is a study of the properties of the real number system, arithmetic operations with rational numbers and order of operations; evaluation and simplification of variable expressions; determining solutions of linear equations and inequalities in one variable; graphing linear equations and inequalities; solving systems of linear equations and inequalities; utilizing matrices; exponential rules and applications; problem solving; polynomial arithmetic; polynomial factorization.

MATH 0630 is the mandatory co-requisite course for those Learning Support Mathematics students enrolled in MATH 1630 . A learning support course is required for students whose ACT or ACCUPLACER mathematics scores indicate a need for co-requisite mathematics coursework. Topics include real number operations, manipulation of algebraic expressions, graph analysis, equation solving, and critical thinking. Students must demonstrate mastery of all required competencies in order to earn a passing grade.

Students enrolled in MATH 0630 must also be enrolled in MATH 1630  during the same semester. Any degree seeking student enrolled in a Learning Support course must also enroll in MSCC 1300 First-Year Experience , during his or her first semester.

This course includes proctored exams which must be completed on campus or at an instructor approved proctoring center which may require additional costs to the student.

Transfer (UT) or Non-Transfer Course (UN): UN

Master Course Syllabus
Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to…

  • develop analytical-thinking skills needed for problem solving.
  • improve algebra skills of those who have had previous algebra experience.
  • develop fundamental algebra skills for those who have had no algebra experience.
  • develop the algebra skills required to be successful in co-requisite collegiate math.
  • reduce students’ mathematics anxiety through increased competency.

Course Objectives

Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to…

  • apply the order of operations to evaluate expressions.
  • perform operations with rational numbers.
  • solve systems of equations graphically.
  • recognize and apply magnitude and ordering of real numbers.
  • solve application problems.
  • identify and simplify like terms.
  • evaluate algebraic expressions.
  • solve systems via the elimination and substitution methods.
  • evaluate expressions involving powers and roots.
  • use the distributive law to write equivalent expressions.
  • add, subtract and multiply polynomials.
  • factor a polynomial using GCF.
  • simplify exponential expressions.
  • solve cost revenue functions.
  • identify and interpret rate of change.
  • use and interpret function notation particularly as it relates to graphic and tabular data.
  • analyze the graph of a linear function.
  • graph a linear equation in two variables.
  • generate a linear equation in two variables.
  • solve linear equations, inequalities, formulas and proportions.