Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog & Student Handbook Archived Catalog

PSYC 2130 - Lifespan Development Psychology

3 sem cr hrs

This course is a study of the biological, psychological, and psychosocial bases of human development from conception through death.  Topics include current research and theory pertaining to the physical, cognitive, personality, psychological, emotional, and social development across the lifespan. Prerequisite: PSYC 1030  and documented eligibility for collegiate English

In rare and unusual circumstances, a course prerequisite can be overridden with the permission of the Department Lead for the discipline. 

This course may include proctored exams which must be completed on campus or at an instructor approved proctoring center which may require additional costs to the student. Please consult your instructor for additional details.

  Formerly/Same As (Formerly PSY 2300)

Transfer (UT) or Non-Transfer Course (UN): UT

Master Course Syllabus
Course Objectives

  • Develop knowledge and comprehension of the major themes, concepts, and theories in lifespan development psychology
  • Examine the major cognitive, physical, and socioemotional milestones associated with the various stages of development (i.e., prenatal, newborn, infancy, toddlers, childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, middle age, and old age)
  • Understand the major developmental theories of Piaget, Erikson, and Vygotsky
  • Recognize and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the major research approaches used in developmental psychology research
  • Recognize and apply lifespan development psychology concepts in everyday life

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Psychology Content: Identify basic concepts and research findings
    • Define, recognize, and recall basic developmental psychology concepts
    • Interpret research findings related to developmental psychology concepts
    • Recognize and apply principles of developmental psychology to personal growth and other aspects of everyday life
  • Scientific Thinking: Solve problems using psychological methods
    • Evaluate the impacts of biological temperament as well as internalizing and externalizing tendencies as an evocative force in parent-child relationships
    • Evaluate the use of corporal punishment with children in light of the empirical scientific evidence
    • Evaluate and associate Baumrind’s parenting styles with childhood behavior and emotional outcomes