Mar 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook Archived Catalog

EMSB 1102 - EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab

1 sem hr cr

EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab is a laboratory based course utilizing scenarios to emphasize obstetrics and gynecology, neonatal care, pediatric emergencies, geriatric emergencies, environmental emergencies, patients with special challenges, trauma and shock.

The outcomes presented in EMSB 1101  and EMSB 1102 may be taught in a coterminous format or in a two-semester format.

Participants must achieve a “C” or better to progress in each EMT course and to successfully complete the program of study. Please see Criteria: State of Tennessee, Division of EMS Rule (1200-12-1-.04 and 1200-12-1-.13) pursuant to T.C.A. Tile 68, Chapter 140. Prerequisite: Admission to the EMT Program Corequisite: EMSB 1601  , EMSB 1101  , EMSB 1111  , EMSB 1602  , and EMSB 1112  depending on delivery schedule

In rare and unusual circumstances, a course prerequisite can be overridden with the permission of the Curriculum lead for the discipline.

Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN