Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook Archived Catalog

SOCI 1010 - Introduction to Sociology

3 sem hrs cr

This course identifies basic human relationships essential to survival in modern society and seeks to assist students in understanding and applying this knowledge in everyday life. Topics include introduction to sociology, culture, inequality and social class, political and economic orders, and the changing society. Prerequisite: Exemption from or completion of ENGL 0810  and READ 0810  

In rare and unusual circumstances, a course prerequisite can be overridden with the permission of the Curriculum lead for the discipline. 

This course may include proctored exams which must be completed on campus or at an instructor approved proctoring center which may require additional costs to the student. Please consult your instructor for additional details.

  Formerly/Same As (Formerly SOC 1010, SOC 2110)

Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UT