Feb 15, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook Archived Catalog

CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I

4 sem hrs cr

(3 hours lecture-3 hours lab)

This course is a study of fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules, chemical bonding, formula and equation writing, naming compounds, quantitative relationships involving formulas, classification of the elements and selected compounds, shapes of molecules, stoichiometry and gas laws. Prerequisite: Exemption from or completion of learning support competency courses.

In rare and unusual circumstances, a course prerequisite can be overridden with the permission of the Curriculum lead for the discipline.

This course may include proctored exams which must be completed on campus or at an instructor approved proctoring center which may require additional costs to the student. Please consult your instructor for additional details.

  Formerly/Same As (Formerly CHE 1010)

Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UT