Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog & Student Handbook Archived Catalog

Student Services and Activities



Motlow College provides a cooperative education program as an integral part of its efforts to link practical work experience to the student’s educational program. Students who successfully complete the cooperative work assignments will be awarded two semester hours of credit for a maximum of two terms. The work assignment must be related to the student’s program of study or career goals and approved by the program coordinator. The cooperative education classes are graded on a Pass/Fail basis. For more information on course requirements, see the course descriptions section of this catalog. Additional information is available at each location as follows: 

Moore County –  931-393-1849 

Smyrna Center – 615-220-7886

McMinnville Center – 931-668-7010 ext: 2114  

Fayetteville Center – 931-433-9350


Motlow State Community College is committed to meeting the needs of qualified students with disabilities by providing equal access to educational opportunities, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate. This commitment is consistent with the College’s obligations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (as amended in 2008). Together, these laws prohibit discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities.

All students seeking assistance through Disability Services must self-disclose the presence and nature of a specific disability to the Office of Disability Services. Before receiving requested accommodations, students are required to obtain current documentation (within the last 3 to 5 years) of the disability. Documentation may include records or written statements from a professional who is licensed to practice in the field appropriate for diagnosing and/or treating the disability in question—a physician, optometrist, audiologist, physical or occupational therapist, psychologist, etc.

The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students with disabilities at all Motlow College campuses. The disability service staff serve as advocates and liaisons for students with disabilities attending the College. The offices are located in Crouch Building, Room 1042 on Moore County campus and Room 136 in the Walker Building on the Smyrna campus. For assistance with services at the Moore County, McMinnville and Fayetteville campuses, please call 931-393-1765 or email bchampion@mscc.edu. For assistance at the Smyrna campus, please call 615-220-7857 or email ypierce@mscc.edu.


A comprehensive New Student Orientation program is required of all first-time freshmen prior to registration for classes. New student orientation is designed to introduce new students to college life, to inform students about resources that Motlow has to offer, to share about campus activities and organizations, and to provide the student with advisement and registration assistance. For more information regarding new student orientation, contact the assistant director of student services at any Motlow campus.


Completion Coaches are located on the Fayetteville, McMinnville, Moore County, and Smyrna campuses and serve as a valuable college resource to students. All freshman students are assigned a completion coach at their primary campus. Coaches will meet with students to discuss their career and academic interests and provide resources to assist students toward successfully achieving their academic goals. Students will be encouraged to take an active role in their learning and education, which ultimately impacts student retention and graduation.


Completion coaches also assist students with career-planning resources to achieve their educational and career goals by offering many helpful tools and career-enhancement opportunities.  

Career Planning administers an “Interest Inventories” career assessment survey which helps students examine their educational and career pathways. This survey is administered online and contains three parts: Career Search with Person Match, Skills Assessment, and Work Values Inventory. Students are encouraged to call for appointments.

This unit facilitates potential employment opportunities by posting full- and part-time job listings as well as volunteer opportunities on its webpages. Students are encouraged to contact the companies directly. If there are questions, students may call 931-393-1719 or 931-393-1612.

Students who need assistance in résumé preparation, interviewing techniques, and job-seeking strategies may contact us for guidance. This unit also coordinates Career Fairs and industry awareness days for students pursuing employment.


Motlow offers a non-compulsory student health and accident policy which will provide protection for students at a very competitive rate. For policy information, contact the Office of Student Affairs on the Moore County campus or the director’s office at the Fayetteville, McMinnville, and the Smyrna campuses.


On occasion when an emergency message needs to be delivered to a student at one of the College locations, that message should be directed as follows:

  Moore County Campus Office of Student Affairs (Day Only) 931-393-1690
  Moore County Campus Library (Evening Only) 931-393-1670
  Fayetteville Center Director’s Office (Day and Evening) 931-438-0028
  McMinnville Center Director’s Office (Day and Evening) 931-668-7010
  Smyrna Center Director’s Office (Day and Evening) 615-220-7800



Counseling Services is designed to assist students in learning ways to cope with or resolve causes of distress. Licensed therapists are available at campus locations to provivde free short-term counseling services and can also assist with referrals to community resources. To find more information, please visit the Counseling Services webpage.


Forrester Student Center on the Moore County campus houses the Tipps Bookstore and the cafeteria. Commercial television viewing is available in the Student Activities and Resource Center (SARC). The cafeteria, located in Forrester Student Center, is operated by a private vendor. Breakfast and lunch, as well as short-order snacks, are served. Drink and vending machines are located in all buildings on all campuses.


Students attending Motlow State Community College have several options when purchasing textbooks and supplies. Motlow College Bookstore, operated by Follett Higher Education Group, Inc., carries all required textbooks and student supplies which are selected and officially approved by the faculty. Motlow College Bookstore locations include the Tipps Bookstore on the Moore County Campus, the McMinnville Campus Bookstore at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Center in McMinnville, and at the Smyrna Campus Bookstore. All students’ academic needs may be served by ordering textbooks and supplies on the Bookstore’s website using a credit card. A nominal fee is charged for shipping. Textbooks and supplies may be reserved online at the bookstore online address.

Refund Policy

Textbooks may be returned for full credit if the book is (1) accompanied by a sales receipt; (2) unmarked (if purchased new); and (3) returned within specified time. Regular-term textbooks may be returned for full credit up to 7 calendar days from the opening day of classes (or within 2 days if purchased thereafter). Summer-term textbooks must be returned within 2 days from the opening day of class for full refund. All textbooks with defective publication will be replaced throughout the term. There are no refunds for textbooks purchased during the last week of classes or during final exam week.

Buyback Policy

Cash is paid for used books throughout the year. The buyback price is determined by the future class use of the book at Motlow College and the inventory levels at the bookstore. Up to 50% is paid on all textbook editions which have been adopted for the next term (as long as the demand equals or exceeds the supply). To receive maximum value of a textbook, the textbook should be sold as soon after the last class as possible, the time when inventory is most depleted and need is the greatest. For example, by the first day of class, a book may not be worth 50% because the inventory level may be adequate. As an additional service, non-adopted textbooks which are current editions and in good condition will be purchased at the current market value based upon a national college textbook market guide.

Bookstore Hours

Please see the Bookstore webpage for current store hours and information for all campuses.




The College sponsors intercollegiate athletics under the supervision of the faculty in health, physical education, and recreation.

The intercollegiate program sponsors teams in men’s basketball and baseball and women’s basketball, soccer and fast-pitch softball. These teams compete in a regular schedule with teams from other recognized institutions of the same scholastic levels as Motlow State Community College. To participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the eligibility requirements of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and the Tennessee Community College Athletic Association (TCCAA).


Don’t just go through college; let college go through you!

At Motlow, we encourage you to not just attend college but to experience college. One way for students to enrich their college experience is to participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible. These activities provide students with opportunities for fellowship with other students, interaction with faculty, leadership, and community involvement. As you pursue your educational goals, we encourage you to become involved with campus activities, organizations, clubs, and student government.


The Student Government Association is a united group of individuals who are dedicated to expressing the needs of their student body. Each Motlow campus has its own elected student government officials consisting of a vice president, sophomore and freshman senators, as well as other appointed officials. Sophomore members are elected in the spring, and freshman members are elected in the fall.

The President of the Student Government Association serves as a liaison among SGA on each campus. The Smyrna, McMinnville, Moore, and Fayetteville campuses maintain a separate administrative structure for the Student Government Association, each led by an executive vice president on the respective campus. Each addresses issues unique to that campus including student activities, student concerns, and community projects.


There are a number of nationally recognized organizations at Motlow.  Exceptional faculty make these organizations enriching and valuable for the skills, knowledge, and experience you will gain. The relationships you will build with faculty and peers cannot be understated. You will find added value to your educational experience, whether in the Honors Program, Phi Theta Kappa, Skills USA, American Chemical Society, Psi Beta, or the Student Nurses Association. Each organization has its own requirements, and many of them travel to various activities and national conferences.


The Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS) represents a group of TBR colleges and universities (including Motlow College) devoted to making international education and cultural understanding a central goal of higher education throughout the state of Tennessee. TnCIS sponsors an annual conference on international education and provides summer study abroad opportunities in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America for students of member institutions. For more information about the programs offered and application procedures, please visit the TnCIS website