Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2018-2019 Catalog and Student Handbook Archived Catalog



TN eCampus courses

  • PHED 1031 - Walking for Fitness

    2 sem hrs cr

    This course improves cardiovascular fitness without the possible risks associated with higher intensity exercise. The ROCKPORT FITNESS WALKING TEST will be used to design individualized walking programs based on existing levels of cardiovascular fitness. (TN eCampus course ID PHED 1140)

    Note: This course is equivalent to PHED 1030 Aerobic Walking  

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • PHIL 1030 - Introduction to Philosophy

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course gives a basic overview of philosophy and its development throughout history. Students will learn to think as philosophers, and discover some of the major thinkers and schools of thought in western philosophy.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • PHIL 2430 - Philosophy of Religion

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course is a philosophical examination of religion. Some issues studied include the existence and nature of God, relationship between faith and reason, and challenges to religious belief. Throughout history, individuals have pondered whether or not God exists. Many consider it the most important question that can be asked. The reason? As Mortimer Adler, a well-known philosopher, points out, “More consequences for thought and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.”This course addresses philosophical issues as they relate to God’s existence or absence. One of the first issues to be examined will be the relationship between faith and reason in religious belief. Next, we will examine the major challenges to theism (e.g., the problem of evil) and provide potential responses to these difficulties. This will be followed by a discussion of reasons for belief in God: classical arguments, religious experience, pragmatic reasons and the like. Prerequisite: ENGL 1010  with a grade of C or better.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • PHYS 1030 - Survey of Physics with Lab

    4 sem hrs cr

    This is an introductory physics course for non-science and non-engineering majors. Emphasis is placed on understanding the nature of physics and applying basic physics concepts to one’s everyday life experience and work. The use of mathematics is limited to basic algebraic manipulations required to understand and apply physics concepts. Topics covered include mechanical motion, energy, temperature and heat, fluids, electricity, magnetism and wave motion. Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic algebra to solve simple literal equations. This course is not appropriate for students needing remedial mathematics.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • POLS 1010 - Intro to Political Science

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course is an analysis of politics and political systems in various countries. Students will acquire a general understanding of the key concepts and ideas upon which different systems of government are based. Prerequisite: Students must be able to read and write at the college level.

    Formerly/Same As POL 1020, POLS 1020

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • POLS 2035 - International Relations

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course is designed to provide you with a broad introduction to International Relations (IR). It will introduce you to the fundamental approaches to studying IR and will consider how each approach treats selected aspects of current international politics.

    Formerly/Same As POLS 1501

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • PSCI 1010 - Principles of Physical Science I

    4 sem hrs cr

    Designed for the non-science major to partially fulfill general education requirements in the laboratory­based physical sciences.This course includes a study of three fundamental components of Newtonian mechanics: linear motion, momentum, energy, gravity, and satellite motion; fluid mechanics thermodynamics including thermal energy and heat transfer; electricity,magnetism; waves, sound and light waves, the properties of light, and atomic structure to establish a base in which the non­science student can view nature more perceptively. It is designed to correct a missing essential in the sciences, the practice of conceptualizing before calculating. Prerequisite: Acceptable placement scores or completion of Learning Support competencies.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UT
    Course is offered:
  • PSCI 1020 - Principles of Physical Science II

    4 sem hrs cr

    The second course of a two-semester sequence designed for the non-science major to fulfill general education requirements in the laboratory-based physical sciences. This course includes a study of three fundamental components of the physical sciences:(1) Chemistry: Structure of the atom, the atomic nucleus, periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, acids, bases,molecular mixing, and organic chemistry. (2) Earth science: Rocks, minerals, earth’s internal properties,water, surface properties, the atmosphere, oceans, and the weather. (3) Astronomy: Our solar system and the relation to the universe. This course is designed to correct a missing essential in the sciences, the practice of conceptualizing before calculating. Prerequisite: Acceptable placement scores or completion of Learning Support competencies.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UT
    Course is offered:
  • PSYC 215 - Child Growth and Development

    3 sem hrs cr

    The topics studied in this course include: Physical, emotional, social and intellectual child development from conception through adolescence, concepts of development and function derived from theoretical approaches, research and clinical observation emphasized, child rearing applications included. Prerequisite: PSYC 1030  

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • PSYC 2110 - Psychology of Adjustment

    3 sem hrs cr

    The purpose of this course is to increase self-knowledge, personal freedom, personal accountability, and the ability to effect positive personal change. Growth is examined theoretically and applied to real life situations. Topics include: 1) personality and self, 2) stress disorders and happiness, 3) thinking and feeling, 4) values and beliefs, 5) financial planning, 6) personal accountability, and 7) personal relationships. This is a process course that requires engagement, self-examination, self-discipline and motivation. Prerequisite: College level reading and writing.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • PSYC 2230 - Psychology of Aging

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course focuses on current research associated with aging by exploring recent changes in demography and subsequent individual behavior. Emphasis is on positive aging which explores the psychological factors, individual traits, and social and community resources integral to living and functioning optimally in old age.

    Formerly/Same As (TN eCampus course ID PSYC 223)

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • SOCI 2170 - Sociology of Aging

    3 sem hrs cr

    This is a general course in social gerontology with an emphasis on the aging process and problems of the aged.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • SWRK 245 - Introduction to Counseling

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course is a comparative analysis of major theoretical approaches to counseling and psychotherapy practice; psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive behavioral, gestalt, transactional analysis, rational- emotive therapy and systems theory. Prerequisite: College level reading and writing.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • TELC 2010 - Survey of Exceptionalities & Diversity

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course enables instructors to identify psychological, physical, educational, medical, behavioral and learning characteristics and needs of individuals with various disabilities. The course also focuses on working with students from diverse cultural, social, ethnic and racial backgrounds. It includes information regarding the modification and adaptation of instruction as it relates to ADA in order to fit individual needs and learning styles. It also enables the instructor to develop individualized educational programs with the principles of normalization and the least restrictive environment.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • TELC 2011 - Teaching and Learning with Technology

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course addresses the “Tennessee Statement of Education Teacher Licensure Standards for Professional Education.” It assists instructors in examining various issues related to teaching with Internet technology and resources, as well as learning to evaluate and integrate this technology into “teaching” and “learning” online and on-ground. It will also assist instructors in locating curriculum resources that support and enhance instruction. Addresses Standards # 4, 6, 11 of the Tennessee Teacher Licensure Standards for Teaching Strategies, Communication, and Technology.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • TELC 2012 - Teachers as Agents of Change

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course is designed for individuals working in a public school environment on the Professional Occupational license or one of the Alternative Licenses. It provides an overview of current issues, trends, and problems that are commonplace to teaching in public school settings. Students will engage in analytic learning experiences which focus on: a) teaching in urban, suburban and rural settings, b) meeting the needs of diverse student populations, c) historical, sociological and philosophical aspects of education in a diverse society, d) legal, financial, equality/inequality of access and resources, e) governance issues related to public schooling in the U.S., f) developing knowledge and skills regarding professionalism, national and state initiatives, effective teaching, and licensure, and g) action research to improve current practice.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • TELC 2014 - Managing the Learning Environment in Post Sec

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course provides the use of appropriate knowledge and skills for managing the total learning environment in post-secondary technical settings. There is emphasis on development of skills that facilitate effective teaching through appropriate management techniques and the involvement of business leaders and community members.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • WEB 1010 - Basic Web Design

    3 sem hrs cr

    (COM 1010 course ID with TN eCampus)

    This course presents the principles for planning well-designed web pages and websites. It explores the factors that affect web layout and design such as organization, navigation, usability, accessibility, typography, graphics and color.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:

  • WEB 1020 - Basic Web Graphics

    3 sem hrs cr

    (COM 1020 course ID with TN eCampus)

    An introductory class using a graphics program, scanner, and other digital devices to create and edit graphic images for web pages. Projects will be included to allow students to demonstrate mastery of the use of a graphics program to edit, optimize and create imagery for the web, set up hierarchical folders/directories and implement, upload, and edit a functional website. This course is taught using Photoshop®  and a basic HTML editor. Prerequisite: WEB 1010   (COM 1010 course ID for TN eCampus)

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:

  • WEB 2120 - Audio/Video for the Web

    3 sem hrs cr

    his course familiarizes students with the technologies associated with bringing photographic (film, video and still) images and audio to the Internet environment and enable them to identify and use the tools which facilitate these media in Web sites. Appropriate media selection, software tools for encoding various media, delivery system attributes and limitations, associated file types, audio and video codecs and software players will be discussed. Students will learn to prepare aural and visual media for the Web by creating and encoding assigned projects. Students will also learn to design for and solve problems with the integration of audio and video media into pre-existing Web sites. Prerequisite: A practical knowledge of how the Internet operates and working knowledge of HTML code, graphic formats, website building, web page design, and an introductory knowledge of a computer graphics program is required. These pre- and co-requisites may be obtained through COM 1000 and COM 1020, or IST 2630.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • WEB 2812 - Web Design III:Advanced Site Design

    3 sem hrs cr

    This problem-oriented course will teach the use of dynamic graphic elements to enhance web pages and sites. Advanced concepts in page layout and site optimization will be studied with emphasis on principles used to craft dynamic web pages that get noticed. The course exercises and projects will allow students to apply the principles of web design to their own sites that will be created in the course. Prerequisite: Practical knowledge of how the Internet operates, HTML code, web page design, graphic formats, and introductory knowledge of a computer graphics program and of website building with standard professional software is required. Pre- and co-requisites may be obtained through CIS 264; or COM 1000, COM 1020 and INTC 1050 or MDT 2100; or equivalent knowledge and training.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • WEBT 1310 - Web Page Application (WYSIWIG)

    3 sem hrs cr

    This course is the study of various applications available for the support of web pages. Topics covered include web page multimedia design, graphics and animation. The latest techniques of web page design technology will be emphasized. Prerequisite: A basic working knowledge of the Windows operating system, the Internet and Microsoft Front Page or permission of the Dean of Career and Technical Programs.

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:
  • WGST 2050 - Intro to Women/Gender Studies

    3 sem hrs cr

    The course is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of women’s social identity and placement throughout history and the world. Theoretical perspectives and research from sociology, psychology, biology and anthropology are used to understand how gender shapes our lives on individual, cultural and societal levels. Areas of study emphasize the role of gender in social institutions including family, workplace, education, religion, media and politics. Prerequisite: ENGL 1010  

    Formerly/Same As WMST 2010

    Transfer (UT) or Non Transfer Course (UN): UN
    Course is offered:

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