7/26/17 - Course Title name change ADMN 2390 - Capstone Experience for APT - This is to align with the common course library. Updated program checklist for Business Office A.A.S. and Medical Office A.A.S.
8/8/17-CIP code for all A.A.S. in Computer Information Technology (CIT) changed from 06.11.0101.00 TO 06.11.0103.00 - this affected Cyber Defense A.A.S. program
8/11/17-Changed A.A. and A.S. University Parallel Major-Concentration areas TO A.A. and A.S. University Parallel Major-Area of Emphasis. Also placed Cyber Defense in its own Major/Concentration category. Computer Information Technology Major, Cyber Defense Concentration
9/15/17-updated Business Education A.S. program of study-removed BUSN2310 and added MATH1530. updated Secondary Education A.S. program of study, added ECON 2010 as an additional course offering.
10/4/17-added MLT courses and program of study to catalog.
10/11/17-updated administrative, faculty and staff information.
11/15/17 changed reference from Natural Sciences to Natural Science on all programs of study, department, etc. updated refence from Social Science to Social Sciences. Also updated administration, faculty and staff.
11/17/17-updated course description for MATH1910
12/8/17-updated Health Sciences A.S. to include MATH 1710 as another math course option.
1/8/18-removed ENG2330 equivalency from course description ENGL 2310. Added CAEL 100 course and updated PLA description.
1/20/18-updated faculty and staff information.